rubik's cross algorithm. Case 1. rubik's cross algorithm

 Case 1rubik's cross algorithm  [4] 2

The Cross's name and purpose are explained in the presentation and the difficulty of the stage is mentioned. Practice Rubiks cube solutions, algorithms, solver, formula, timer, speedcubing. There are a few steps and a single algorithm to complete this step. Step 2 - the white cross. Before starting the resolution, take a look at the 3x3x3 Notation section, you will find the basic concepts to know to start solving it. Getting the "white cross" F' U L' U' 2a. The beginner method is the best way to solve a Rubik’s cube as a beginner. The student is then invited to choose a cross colour. This month, my plan was simple: Learn the 62 Rubik’s Cube algorithms I don’t know. Basic Steps for solving the Rubik’s Cube. It doesn't matter if the pieces are not on their final places so we don't have to pay attention to the colors of the sides. With some practice, you should be able to solve the cube in about 2-4 minutes. The article and the application can be viewed in three different ways. algorithm three times (two times starting with The L and a single time starting with The Line). The variations are divided into groups according to where the corner & edge pieces are located in the Rubik's cube. 11. This Cube tutorial is divided into 5 sections. face and apply the algorithm above. L – Left. U = Turn the top row of the face. If there are no paired corners, execute the “Y-Perm” algorithm. The cube is solved. Step 1 - a white lily on the Rubik's Cube. It is not possible on a modern computer to solve a cube with a simple brute force algorithm. For example, solve 1. a Fridrich Method. the edges in the middle or horizontal layer, 4. We divide the Rubik's Cube into 7 layers and solve each group not messing up the solved pieces. It requires no pre-existing knowledge of the Rubik's cube or any understanding of algorithm notation. This is always an easy task. First layer left corner. This advanced technique developed by Jessica Fridrich divides the puzzle into layers and you have to solve the cube layer by layer using algorithms in each step, not messing up the pieces already in place. The first step in solving the Rubik's Cube is to solve the cross on one side of the cube. If this is the case, then apply the above algorithm from any. You should not use this every solve since many scrambles are just as fast doing cross and the first pair separately. 1) If you notice that all opposite edges are in correct place but in such a way that if you set one pair correctly then. Step 1 - a white lily on the Rubik's Cube. 3 Step 2 : The first two layers (F2L) 4 Step 3 of Fridrich method : Orientation last layer (OLL) 5 Fridrich method step 4 - Permutation of the Last Layer (PLL)Description. The definition is a little different depending on the subject or who you are talking to. 1. All 21 PLL A. The method developed by Jessica Fridrich involves. In a classic 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube, each of the six faces are covered by nine stickers, traditionally white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow. 0/12. The puzzle's internal mechanism is nearly identical to that of the Rubik's Cube, although it differs from normal 3×3 cubes in that all. I made them 2-generator when possible and 3-generator as often as I could. Cross. The location of the green-yellow edge is a little bit troublesome. (This will also reset all info on the page, such as algorithms, times, etc. TimmyTheBrave. There are two ways to execute F2L, intuitive and algorithmic. Trapped Corner. This might be the hardest part, as there's no formula. Below are the 3x3 moves for reference, but keep in mind that there is also different notation for big cubes (4x4 cube and up) mentioned in the video. Case four: It may happen that the yellow cross has already been formed after the step three; in that case, just skip the step four. Although any colour will work for a cross, white is very strongly suggested and only those who have prior cube knowledge/solving experience should attempt a different colour from the. Love it or hate it, The Rubik's cube is one of the world's most popular puzzles . Step 2: Align the Yellow Cross. If you are ever confused, you can watch the example solve video above as it shows the full process. Intermediate algorithm enable to skip one process of algorithm in STEP 5 (The difference is the first and last movement) Intermediate Beginner STEP1 and 2 After getting used to movement of Rubik’s cube, try to skip STEP 1(white cross) and complete STEP 2 (good white cross) directly. In a Rubik’s Cube algorithm: F = Turn the entire face. STEP 3 - COMPLETE SECOND LAYER. Step 5 - making a yellow cross on the top of the Rubik's Cube. I show some fingertricks that I use for cross on bottom. Recognize where each of the colors lie on the completed cube. EVERY COLOR SHOULD BE MATCHING! For example white and red. STEP 2 - COMPLETE THE FIRST LAYER CORNERS. 00. Then, use this algorithm (This is one of the ones I had to learn to solve this): (Ll)' U2 (Ll)' U2 F2 (Ll)' F2 (Rr) U2 (Rr)' U2 (Ll)2. 4x4 OLL Parity Algorithms. STEP 3 - COMPLETE SECOND LAYER. They will orientate all of the pieces so they all face the same direction. STEP 2 - COMPLETE THE FIRST LAYER CORNERS. 4:00. 1. Cross Trainer First Two Layers (F2L) Basic Cases. Move the misaligned yellow corners one by one to the highlighted position rotating the top layer and do R' D' R D until the current piece is solved. 3700+ Rubik's Cube algorithms. 4 Solution step 3 : Solve the second layer. So far we haven’t had to learn any algorithms, and it has been reasonably easy. Case 1. 9 Step 7 : Orient the edges. 3 Solution step 2 : Finish the first layer. Then apply the algorithm (can take 2 to 3 times) and you should get a correct yellow face. Hit the Scramble button and try to figure out the solution yourself rotating the faces with the buttons or with your keyboard. Step 2, the white corners. Step 3 - The Second Layer. Not Learnt Not Learnt; Learning; Learnt; Lists. Rubik’s Cube OLL Fish Algorithms PDF download . Train. Part 4: Last Layer Cross Your first objective is to orient the last layer edge pieces so they all have yellow facing up, forming a yellow cross on the last layer. Step 3 - finishing the first layer. Step 1: Centers. Algorithms CFOP F2L; F RU F' OLL; PLL. 1 Practice your basic Cross. Once you find this piece, you rotate the cube so that the white edge piece is facing up. The point of PART 1 is to get headlights on all sides of the cube, NOT the fullbar. Use the Cross algorithm scrambler. And from Ruwix. You may need to apply the algorithm more than once. Every plane of the cube can be rotated either clockwise or counterclockwise in relation to the rest of the cube. Step 2 - the white cross. White cross. EVERY COLOR SHOULD BE MATCHING! For example white and red. OLL algorithms are used on the last layer of a Rubik’s cube. R – Right. The idea. 5 Rubik's cube Solution step 4 : Yellow cross on the top layer. 1. You just have to apply a couple of short. Match each white edge with its respective second color then move it so the white part matches with the white side. The cross is a concept first proposed in 1978 by Donald Taylor and is the first step for most layer by layer methods on 3x3x3. R. Go to our algorithms list. Make sure you know how to read move notation to follow the tutorials. In Case 1, you will be able to match up two adjacent corners with their side. Our first objective is to assemble a white cross on the bottom face of the cube. Step 3 - finishing the first layer. Step 1: Solve the white cross. Scrambler to practice your Cross and First 2 Layer. This is a 3-dimensional cube. 6) Corner pieces, which have 3 colors. HOLDING YOUR RUBIK’S CUBE If one face is a solid color (not yellow), hold your Cube with that solid face to the back, yellow face up. 0/2. Using an algoritm isn't cheating, and you shouldn't listen to what non-cubers say. Now that the green layer and the bottom two levels are solved, the next step is to solve the blue cross on the top of the cube. I make videos so you can get faster!Check out the "Playlists" section on the main channel page. M, S, and E moves are never written. This means that the white side is the D side for all last layer algorithms. A Rubik's Cube algorithm is an operation on the puzzle which reorients its pieces in a certain way. Or even if you do, the simulator gives a new solving experience. . The student is then invited to choose a cross colour. Know two methods/algorithms Materials Class set of Rubik’s Cubes Pages 1 and 2 (Stage 1: GET TO KNOW YOUR RUBIK’S CUBE) of Solution Guide for each student Page 3 (Stage 2: SOLVE THE WHITE CROSS) of Solution Guide for each student Homework Activity ONE Pencils and Paper Procedure 1. 5. Other algorithms can be memorized by patterns (which is a common technique for. Good white cross. Best free website and app for desktop, mobile, android, apple ios iphone and ipad. Two-look refers to the technique of doing this maneuver in two parts, which gives you 11 algorithms to learn, as opposed to the 57 algorithms for traditional OLL. URF is counter clockwise. To make the yellow cross we will learn a new algorithm to try to speed up this step. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 644 0 R/ViewerPreferences 645 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI. STEP 4 - COMPLETE THE THIRD LAYER CROSS. [4] 2. Step 4-a: Blue Cross. Solve the white corners. Match each white edge with its respective second color then move it so the white part matches with the white side. It's a simplified version of CFOP (the most common advanced 3x3x3 method), so it's also relatively easy to make a transition into CFOP. Learn how to solve the Rubiks Cube in seconds. The Algorythmus for the first pic is: F D F'. To start solving the Megaminx you are going to want to use the ‘white cross method’ used when starting a Rubik’s Cube. Examples. Solving the PLL is the last step of the CFOP, and is the final straight in speedsolving the Rubik's cube. The centerpiece decides the color of the side. But it could be any colour depending on which side you’re solving last. Practice Rubiks cube solutions, algorithms, solver, formula, timer, speedcubing and more. Each face has a middle piece which defines the color for that face, four edge pieces which form a cross with the middle piece, and four corner pieces which form the diagonals across. Cross Color: 0/3. To solve the hardest. In this article, I’ll cover some of the most common methods for solving a Rubik’s cube, including beginner methods and advanced algorithms. There are lots of algorithms for doing this, but I like this one the best. 3x3 Videos 3x3 Algorithms 3x3 One. To form the yellow cross from this starting position, we use the two already mentioned algorithms, in any order. Before starting the resolution, take a look at the 3x3x3 Notation section, you will find the basic concepts to know to start solving it. Cool 3x3 Speed Cube Patterns With Notations. Let's take a short algorithm for the demonstration, the Cross: U F B’ L2 U2 L2 F’ B U2 L2 U. Finally, we show that nding this optimal solution becomes NP-hard in an n n 1 Rubik’s Cube when the positions and colors of someZBLL AS. Practice Cross and transition to F2L. Cubes Math. Practice the moves, memorize the algorithms until you can solve the Rubik's Cube without help. Both algorithms contains several steps and all of them uses the same structure. Memorize. Simple, easy-to-follow, step-by-step explanation to solve the TOP, LAST, or THIRD layer. STEP 3 - COMPLETE SECOND LAYER. correct incorrect f u' r u fixes a flipped cross edge the 2nd step is to solve the corners of the first layer. To make the puzzle-solving process less overwhelming, start solving the centers of the large Rubik’s cube. PLL Algorithms Page. ) **Sometimes there will be no “fullbar”. Learning a method is not cheating. If the page does not load properly, try clearing your browser's cookies. Step 4: Solve The Top Star. Solution for 4x4 magic cube and speed cube twisty puzzle. 0/4. Improve this answer. 0/5. It is possible to make 2 look PLL using. In this case. This stage is similar to the cross – They both have one algorithm, but. D' R' D R. 1. Note how only the edges have to move to finish the cube. Begin by holding the cube with the white face up. Step 2: Orient Yourself With the Cube (Part 2/2) The common mistake that people will have when learning to solve the Rubik's Cube is that they. The method covered in this blog is known as the beginner’s method. Notations needed using (colors) Then a phrase or short clue to give info to help remember the algorithm. There are 57 different OLL variations, therefore needed 57 different algorithms to learn in order to complete the OLL step in just 1 algorithm. Step 1: Algorithm Basics - Turn Letters Into Symbols. Take a look around on Ruwix and if you have something to share, your. But it could be any colour depending on which side you’re solving last. Keep trying to work through as much of the solution as you can without referring back to the algorithms and only do so when you get. Turn the entire Pyraminx so that the yellow face is on the bottom side, now the base of the Pyraminx. The algorithm involves rotating the cube until you find a white edge piece that belongs to the white center. The Cross Algorithm The first step in solving the Rubik's Cube is to create a cross on one side of the cube. First, you should flip some edges to get a white cross on the upper face. the most expensive Rubik's speedcube used by many speedsolvers is just $26. F2L 3 y L' U' L. Next, look for white EDGES on the side of the cube. Apply the inverse rotations of the backward algorithm to revert the cube to the solved cube (or the initial position). Enter a scramble and a solution, then share the link with your friends. An XCross, short for extended cross, sometimes referred to as Cross+1, is an intuitive sub-step that creates the cross and the first F2L pair simultaneously. )This is a full beginner tutorial on how to solve the 4x4 Rubik's Cube using the Yau method, which is the most popular method used by the best 4x4 solvers. OLL is the 3rd step of the CFOP, and the "busiest" in respect of the amount of algorithms required to complete it. Case 2. Each letter indicates a 90 degrees clockwise. Turn the left side of the Rubik’s Cube once clockwise. then this is the tutorial for you. STEP 1: MAKE A YELLOW CROSS When your Rubik’s Cube looks like this picture, move on to the next step! Holding your rubik’s cube Match your Rubik’s Cube to one of the pictures below. F2L Algorithms Page. Use the Cross algorithm scrambler. It is the method used by all 3x3 world record holders in the last decade. AU How To Solve the Rubik's Cube Compact Book. use the following algorithm and repeat until the corners are correct. It's a fairly simple method that involves minimal memorization. It is possible to make 2 look PLL using. Solving Cross: The first step of solving a Rubik’s cube is solving the cross and corner. After you’ve memorized the notation start by making a white cross on the top of the cube. Recognize where each of the colors lie on the completed cube. F2L 4 R U R' Reposition Edge. Step 1: White cross . Remember, however, that the following procedures will also apply to other kinds. Both Pieces Trapped. Another approach is OCLL + PLL which has 28 algorithms and COLL + EPLL which has 46 algorithms. Step 1: Make a White Cross. For suggestions / bug reports, contact [email protected] To Solve A Rubik's Cube: Part 7-Orient The Yellow CornersYou can get your own Rubik's Cube from our shop here: UK: solutions for the Rubik's Cube are solutions that are the shortest in some sense. Layer Three – The Edge Pieces Now that you have successfully made the yellow cross, we must orient the edge pieces to be in the proper places. STEP 1: MAKE A YELLOW CROSS When your Rubik’s Cube looks like this picture, move on to the next step! Holding your rubik’s cube Match your Rubik’s Cube to one of the pictures below. Apply this short algorithm when the piece is in the right spot (FU edge), but it's oriented wrong. If you have the names and the place you bought them that would be nice. The bottom layer is solved first, the middle layer next and the last layer towards the end, building the layer up on the previous one. Close your eyes and try to recite all six letters in a row. Dot Case. y x’ L2 U (R U’ R B) D’ R2’. The Rubik’s Cube is perhaps the world’s most famous and iconic puzzle, well-known to have a rich underlying mathematical structure (group theory). The point of PART 1 is to get headlights on all sides of the cube, NOT the fullbar. This is probably the hardest step, since there are no real algorithms. Here is an overview of the steps required to solve the Fisher Cube: White Cross (with correct centre orientation) White corners. Each face of the Rubik's cube is notated with it's first letter: R ight, L eft, U p, D own, F ront, B ack. Vickie Mcclure. it is possible to get a cross with the edges on all sides. The solution of the Pyraminx begins with turning the 4 corners ( A) to match the center pieces. We offer an algorithm database, a reconstruction tool, a timer, and an algorithm trainer. That state is not possible/solvable. Cross to F2L. 1 / 2. The normal 3x3 moves U D R L F B M S E. F2L algorithms are used to solve the first 2 layers of a Rubik’s cube. Step 2 - the white cross. Since the edges are already oriented, the solver can use ZBLL which has 493 algorithms. Learn how to solve a 3x3 cube firstLearn a practical application by solving a Rubik’s Cube as an example of an algorithm. To accomplish this, we begin by arranging the white edges into a "daisy" pattern, which requires no specific algorithms. To finish the 1st layer, the corners with the white stickers need to be put into place. SpeedCubeDB. It may not be. The second step of the beginner's Rubik's Cube tutorial doesn't require long algorithms. how to solve a rubik’s cube 4×4. However, many who solve the 5x5x5 Rubik's cube using some variant of the Reduction Method will come across this case,. The most advanced tips to have faster cross solutions! If this video is too advanced, check out the previous video: the fourth lesson on the Rubik's Cube (the penultimate solving lesson), progress is made on the top layer, continuing on from the previous lessons in which the first two layers were solved. COM. Free online speedcubing algorithm and reconstruction database, covers every algorithm for 2x2 - 6x6, SQ1 and Megaminx. CFOP is the most frequently used speedsolving method for the 3x3x3 cube . Step 1: First choose a centerpiece of any color (say white) and then make a white cross by bringing all the four edge. Note: If all the top layer edges are solved already, you can only do case 2. The F2L stage is a critical part of solving magnetic rubik’s cube 3×3, involving the pairing of corner and edge pieces to complete the first two layers. Step 6 - moving the edges to match the sides. Then apply this algorithm: F R' D' R F2. F2L 1 (R' F R F') F2L 2 y U' L' U L. There are a lot of solutions to the Rubik's Cube. Recon Tool. First, flip your cube over to where the whites are on the bottom. [1] Notice (going clockwise) the Red, White, and Blue faces of the cube are on one side and the Green, Orange, and Yellow faces are on another. This is whichever side is opposite the right from where you’re holding the cube. Rubik's cube group: permutations of the pieces Interesting fact: only 1/12 of arrangements are possible. I use the white cross algoritm, and my mom was the one, who taught me that. Build the first block then keep an eye on the color scheme for the next ones. Learn the 4 specific algorithms (or rather, 3 algorithms plus one mirror algorithm) for each of the 4 different permutation states of the LL edges. After making the yellow cross on the top of the cube you have to put the yellow edge pieces on their final places to match the colors of the side center pieces. Cross Color: 0/18. Beginner's Method. Remainder of F2L (first two layers) Parity correction (if necessary) OLL and PLL. Focus on the YELLOW edges on the UP (U) face only (not corners). If it is on the Left, do the same thing and do the following algroithm: R, U. Once you find this piece, you rotate the cube so that the white edge piece is facing up. Adj Corner Swap. For more detailed information on where and when to use these algorithms, see below. )Two-look OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer) is a part of the CFOP (Cross, First 2 Layers, Orientation, Permutation) method used by most speedcubers. interchange) the cubies in the top layer so that they are in their correct positions. 1 Fridrich method : Advanced solution for Rubik's cube 3x3. 5) Edge pieces, which have 2 colors. Part 4: Last Layer Cross Your first objective is to orient the last layer edge pieces so they all have yellow facing up, forming a yellow cross on the last layer. Welcome | Home. You can think of these as analogous to letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs in writing. Experienced cubers foresee the steps when they inspect the cube and they plan this step. Step 1: Create White Cross. Case 1. Square-1. SpeedCubeDB. Solving Rubik's Cubes Speedsolving is about practice, not genius Algorithms come from computers Muscle memory from (hundreds of) thousands of solves. (Note: if you see the fullbar, it does not mean you skipped PART 1. An algorithm for one of these steps can involve anywhere from 7 to 17 moves. The edge pieces. As a reminder, there are four steps to solving the Rubik’s Cube (The cross, F2L. Yo. I use the white cross algoritm, and my mom was the one, who taught me that. How To Solve a Rubik's Cube: Part 8- Position The Yellow CornersYou can get your own Rubik's Cube from our shop here: UK: to solve a 4x4 Rubik's Cube Introduction The 4x4x4 cube is the next puzzle in the Rubik's cube series, known as the Rubik's Revenge. Once you have the cross, you’ll now align it with center dots in the second layer. (This will also reset all info on the page, such as algorithms, times, etc. It is intended as a quick reference when you just need a reminder on the algorithms to solve the cube. Action 1 Follow this algorithm. Using an algoritm isn't cheating, and you shouldn't listen to what non-cubers say. There are two common ways to measure the length of a solution. Intuitive F2L algorithms rely on intuitive block-building techniques and efficient moves to solve the layers without memorizing lengthy algorithms. This involves reducing the 4x4 to a 3x3, solving the 3x3, then dealing with parity issues in the. Some algorithms may only be translatable to higher order even cubes. (Note: if you see the fullbar, it does not mean you skipped PART 1. when you do this, make sure that the non-white stickers of the edge pieces also line up with their corresponding center pieces. This is a simple algorithm which includes the rotation of only the right and bottom side, but – it must be done six (or twelve) times! The position of the cube is defined by the corner piece to be solved, i. It's difficult at first, but with some practice, anyone can have world-class cross solutions (seriously). Learning to solve a Rubik's Cube can be easy! Read the pinned comment for common questions. For each petal on the “daisy,” match the non-white sticker to the center piece of the same color. Front Left. com . Think of the algorithms as moving a piece out of the way, setting up its correct position, and thenFollow this algorithm. STEP 2 - COMPLETE THE FIRST LAYER CORNERS. U = Turn the top row of the face. The algorithm to solve the white edge when it's oriented wrong in the middle layer. Extra algorithms that you have to learn in order to solve the cube 100% of the time. Case 3. F2L is part of the CFOP method of solving a Rubik’s cube. Solving the PLL is the last step of the CFOP, and is the final straight in speedsolving the Rubik's cube. This means solving the cross plus 1 F2L pair in an efficient way. After the algorithm is performed for the last time, 3 pairs of headlights are created for Picture 4, and all the corners move into the correct position. OLL or Orientation of the Last Layer is the third step of the CFOP method, which aims to orient (same color facing up) the top layer of the 3x3. To solve it, face the two solved corners to the left. Congratulations. Permute Last Layer (PLL) Two Look PLL Beginner Method. 4. . Any steps within the Fridrich method (Cross/Plus, F2L, OLL, PLL) The Fridrich (or CFOP) method is the most commonly used speedsolving method due to its efficiency, simplicity and low-algorithm knowledge requirements. Free online speedcubing algorithm and reconstruction database, covers every algorithm for 2x2 - 6x6, SQ1 and Megaminx. ). For example a r’ move means that you move the inner right layer in the same direction as R’, so down. I will show you how the pieces and how the cube is set up: The centre pieces. In the F2L method, a first-layer corner and the middle. R’ U F’ When your Rubik’s Cube has a daisy that looks like this picture, you can move to Step 2! 15 OR SOLVE LAYER ONE STEP 2: CREATE A white. My first cross video link: position of Rubik's Cube™ can be solved in twenty moves or less. 3. To do. Move the misaligned yellow corners one by one to the highlighted position rotating the top layer and do R' D' R D until the current piece is solved. 3 Permute (i. com. Uw' (R U R' F R' F' R) Uw 3x3 Stage After solving the centers and pairing up the edges, you can now effectively solve the cube as if it were a 3x3. Use this algorithm to go from one. ) 2 Orient the cubies in the top layer, so that the top face of the cube is the correct color. OLL stands for Orientation of the Last Layer. This advanced technique developed by Jessica Fridrich divides the puzzle into layers and you have to solve the cube layer by layer using algorithms in each step, not messing up the pieces already in place. PLL finishes the sides of the last layer. Practice Rubiks cube solutions, algorithms, solver, formula, timer, speedcubing and more. The resulting algorithm has been called God's Algorithm and is explained here. You may need to apply the algorithm more than once. Identify the already oriented edge pieces of the top layer and match with the Cases given below, and perform the algorithm to complete the cross. Learn how to solve the Rubiks Cube in seconds. You need to check first which corner piece will come on which side. The beginner’s method roughly looks like this: via Muk. When there's an "L" shape then twice. In the fourth step we want to form a yellow cross on the top of the cube. In this method, the cross pieces are solved relative to each other and can be solved by rotating the white layer. Step 1: Learning the Pieces. Step One! The White Cross Introduction Similar to a lot of things in technology, solving the Rubik's cube is best done by breaking it down into a series of smaller problems and progressively working towards completion. We do not yet care. Intermediate Practicing. This stage will solve the entirety of the cube except the last four corners. Two look OLL is a smaller subset which orients the top layer in two stages. There are 41 different variations for solving the corner-edge pieces in the F2L step. Obtain a sub-20 time. This guide will focus on the standard 3 by 3 by 3 cube. Without them, you cannot scramble a cube according to regulations, ensure that people have the same scrambles in. Don’t proceed unless you can say the seven words out loud. My Website - Instagram - beginner's guide will teach you how to solve the famous Rubik's Cube, even if you've never picked one up before! If you got given one for Christmas, found one in the dusty cupboard of an aging relative, or need to win a bet and soon, then read on to learn the method! If you can already solve one, then why not head over to the speedcubing. Learn a practical application by solving a Rubik’s Cube as an example of an algorithm. You see a yellow cross, a line, an L-shape or a dot. When we execute this last step our Rubik's Cube will be solved. Unlike The beginner’s method, the Speedsolving method focuses mainly about solving the Rubik’s cube in the fastest and. On a cube that is solved : # 2 = # 2. Learning a method is not cheating. PLL (Permutation if Last Layer): Correctly. CFOP stands for Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL (Cross, First 2 Layers, Orientation of Last Layer, Permutation of Last Layer). Procedure for solving the cube A typical cube solving procedure: 1 Solve the lower two layers of the cube.